Why Your Website/Blog Isn’t Getting Subscribers

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Well, in this time of internet marketing, every marketer knows the power of subscribers. Generally, this helps them in identifying their audiences based upon which marketers make their business marketing strategies. Automatically, their most asked question is ‘how to get blog subscribers?’

They generally use a subscriber’s form on their website or blog to get more subscribers. From this list of subscribers, they make a list according to their interests and provide them useful information demanded by the business.

What does Subscribing to a Website Mean?

Imagine you are searching for something on the internet and land on a particular website. You are reading that site’s content and find it very interesting and useful. Now, you feel the urge to know more about that and read more content from the site in the near future. So, for that to happen, you will have to subscribe to the website by entering your email ID in the subscription form provided on the site. This will help you get updates from the site that matches your interests.

Importance of subscribers for marketers

There is a huge importance of subscribers for any marketer. With subscribers to your website, you can send any promotional information or any new product launch updates directly to the inbox of the subscriber. This can make the subscriber visit your website or blog more often. E-mail marketing can be done easily by collecting a lot of emails that are relevant to the subscriber’s niche.

Now the question arises: How to get blog subscribers and why isn’t it happening to you?

So, there are a lot of factors that you must consider to answer this question. Some of them are discussed below:

You are not using opt-in forms at the right places

Using a lot of opt-in forms in your website will pile up on your reader/visitor and make them frustrated. Use only one or two opt-in forms so that you don’t lose readers who trust you or visit your website frequently.

Here are the best spots to place your opt-in forms on your website/blog:

  • At the sidebar of the blog/website
  • At the end of every post above comments
  • At the top of the website/blog with a bar like ‘Hello Bar’

Pro tip: Create a pop-up subscriber form when your visitor moves from one post to another or after he or she finishes reading the entire post.

You are asking for a lot of information on your subscribers’ form

Most times, people are too lazy or busy to fill up a small form let alone a long one. Asking your readers/ visitors a lot of information on your subscribers’ form can be a problem.

It is recommended that there should be only two fields and not more than that. One for ‘name’ and the other for the ‘email address. If you want just the email address, then don’t even ask for a name.

Try making your form as simple as you can. While designing your form, think from the place of a reader and what kind of information they would be ready to fill easily and quickly.

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You are not valuing them after a subscription

Keep in mind that when a visitor subscribes to your blog or website, he/she wants interesting and useful information in return for their subscription. So, always make sure to show them the advantage of subscribing to your blog. Give your subscribers the value their subscription deserves by considering their needs and queries.

The design of your subscriber form is not good

According to human psychology, design and color leave a huge impact on a viewer. The subscriber form on your website should be designed in a way to look attractive. If you have used the right color and information at the right place, then it will appear appealing and will make the audience subscribe.

Colors play an important role in the designing of web pages. Using the right color at the appropriate place is a skilled art.  So, using the right design with the appropriate color will definitely increase your subscribers.

You are not using your social media accounts properly

Nowadays, social media platforms are playing an inevitable role in digital marketing. There can be no possible reason that you are not using your social accounts properly.  Through social media platforms, you can invite visitors to subscribe to your blog/website by offering them useful information. You can also add some plug-ins for subscriptions on your Facebook or Instagram pages.

Ask your visitors to subscribe

If you have created a good and satisfactory post on your blog, you can then ask your visitors to share the post on social media. Likewise, you would want them to subscribe to your blogs too. Then just simply go ahead and ask them to subscribe through your opt-in forms.

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If you are a marketer or a blogger without many subscribers and wanted to know how to get blog subscribers, you have your answer now. Making good use of the above-discussed tips, get yourself a good group of subscribers.

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