7 Best Examples of About Pages of Business Corporate Websites That Truly Stand Out

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Wondered by many about the secret of creating a really trapish “About” page of a corporate website? The “About” page should be where the enterprise tells its story, making it possible to share its mission for the sake of a connection to the visitors.

Frankly speaking, though, so many “About” pages tend toward boring and often just sound like lists of facts.

However, there are some businesses that do it right, creating About pages with the same interest one can have while scrolling through them.

Let’s plunge into the 7 best examples of About pages of business corporate websites and check out what makes them so incredible!

1. The Storytellers: Airbnb

Airbnb doesn’t just list its achievements; it tells a story. From rags to a global community, an Airbnb About page feels like reading an interesting story full of personal anecdotes and company milestones. So, how is this one different? The hint of the human touch, of course. They speak of real people using their services, making it sound less like a corporation and more like a community.

2. The Visionaries: Tesla

Tesla is all about the future, and their About page shouts it. Bolding with beautiful visuals, Tesla tells its vision for a green, sustainable future. They don’t just tell you what they do; they tell you why it matters. More than their dedication to renewable energy—meaning, they don’t just sell cars but a cleaner planet.

3. The Game Changers: Google

Google’s About page is as sleek as its search engine. It’s not just a rundown of products; it’s an interactive experience. With stats that update in real-time and an emphasis on their contributions to the world, Google shows they’re about more than just profits. They’re about making information accessible to everyone, which is a pretty inspiring message.

4. The Creative Geniuses: Adobe

Right from the moment you hit Adobe’s About page, you feel like creativity is at the very core of what they are. Their rich images and videos display volumes of their products in action. It further reflects on their core values, a good thing because it allows one to be very clear about what Adobe represents beyond their software.

5. The Pioneers: SpaceX

SpaceX takes you on a journey to the stars with their About page. They have included a timeline of all the milestones in their space exploration, making you feel like a part of something huge. Their message is loud and clear: it’s not only astronauts who can explore space, but all of us. And who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

6. The Trendsetters: Apple

Much like their products, Apple’s About page is a trendy affair. The copy tells you about their philosophy of design and accentuates how their innovations have changed the world. Now, Apple knows it has a pretty strong brand already, and they make you aware of the same on their About page. Exactly what creates a dent in the universe—not just what kindles there.

7. The Humanitarians: TOMS

Lastly, the argument that business does not have to mean making money at the expense of everything humane is from TOMS. The About page relates to their “One for One” campaign: with every sale made, they help the communities in need. This is not just business speech; it is a movement, and their About page invites you to join in making the world better.

Why These About Pages Rock

Now, what makes these About pages not suck? Easy:

  • They Tell a Story: They don’t just give the facts; they tell a story that engages you.
  • They Share Their Vision: These companies let you be privy to why they do what they do and why it should matter to you.
  • Interactive: These don’t just talk to you; they either engage you with certain interactive elements or talk to you in between very compelling visuals.
  • Value Highlight: They make what they stand for very clear, hence creating an affinity for their given audience.
  • Invite You In: The About pages have a way of making you feel part of something bigger—say, a community, a movement, or even the future.

Write an Attention-Grabbing “About” Page

Is there a way to make your own “About” page original? Yep. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Be Original: Share your true story and mission. It really shows when you’re being honest.
  • Use Visuals: Pictures, videos, and graphics can help illustrate your message.
  • Keep It Simple: Simple language makes it easy on the reader.
  • Invite Participation: Invite your visitors to be a part of your mission or community.
  • Show Your Impact: If your business can make a difference, show it. There is no reason to be modest about your accomplishments.

Create an impressive “About” page—it doesn’t have to look good only, but must make a personal connection with every individual who will be visiting your page. A chance where you can show-off and be heard. So make your “About” page something truly spectacular by borrowing from the best!

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