25 Examples of Impressive Contact Pages of Coaching Sites

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Your website doesn’t live without a thought-out contact section, because visitors and clients will try to contact you. They’ll want to find out more about you or how your services work. Even though their interaction is typically mediated, it’s important to make them feel welcome and appreciated. For instance, if they’re asking for help or giving you feedback, they want to feel like your attention is on them—and not just a string of texts scrolling by in an online chat window. Your visitors are willing to invest time and effort into forming relationships, and a great contact section can help make that happen.

What makes a contact page a good page? Basically, a good contact page has a visitor-friendly design that allows visitors to get in touch easily. Of course, there’s no one template for contacting page that works best — sometimes it just takes a few clicks to connect, while other times it might just be one button. As long as you have an easy-to-use form or button on your website, the content is user-friendly enough for visitors, and they feel welcome and appreciated …0 then you’ve succeeded!

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Here are some examples of good contact pages:

What’s good about this contact page?

What’s good about this contact page?

First of all the design of the contact page itself gives it a personality. Then comes the various options but well presented with sections of contact methods; from phone to email to social media. And just like a cherry on the top, it’s presented with a location map too.

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What’s great about this page?

What’s great about this page?

This contact page is designed with a personality. You can tell it does make by a human. It has an obligatory option called, “Best way to contact”, which means they don’t bind their customers will limited options of contacting them, instead they let you choose which one is comfortable for you and they will adjust accordingly.

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What’s good about this page?

What’s good about this page?

It’s visually and simple contact page design. Clear-cut options are asked along with a blend of essences.

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Vesta Veda

What’s good about this page?

Visually aesthetic, transparent, and options available contact page design.

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What’s good about this page?

Instead of just providing the methods, it explains how the following process will work if you contact the coach. Even on the contact page, it didn’t divert from the main focus and purpose of the site.

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What’s great about the page?

Not only they explained how it will go when you will fill out the form but also they added a client testimonial tap at the end of the contact page.

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Alison Canavan

This example of contact page design is simple. It’s perfect for straightforward, minimal information that leaves you feeling comfortable and well-informed. All of the necessary information is consolidated into one small space, so you don’t feel crowded by anything.

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This Contact Us page feels welcoming. Phrases like, “you are ready! it’s time,” can make visitors feel like they’re being taken care of. Other Contact Us pages may have a colder tone — but the friendlier you make your contact page’s copy, the better your visitors will feel. After all, they contact you because they want your help and want to start building a relationship with you.

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Recommended Read: Reasons why coaches must have a blog on their sites

Nadéjiah Zakiyyah

Here is another example of presenting your Contact Us page. This site uses a clean, compact design that doesn’t have any unnecessary clutter. All the necessary information you need to know including a contact form is consolidated next to each other in the smaller space.

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Gabby Bernstein

In order to provide help quickly, the contact page on their website has a form you can fill out. The form is simple and easy to do so that visitors won’t have any problems.

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