Reasons why coaches must have a blog on their sites

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If you want to be taken seriously as a coach, having a blog is essential. It’s an easy way to show people that you know what you’re talking about and that you’re passionate about helping others reach their goals. But did you know that you can also share this wisdom with a wider audience by starting a blog? There are many reasons why coaches should have a blog on their websites. In this blog post, we will explore some of these reasons and how a blog can benefit both you and your clients.

1. Initiate Your Authority And Credibility Online:

No matter how good you are at coaching, no one will believe it if they don’t see it. It’s no secret that having a blog on your website helps build your authority and credibility online. By writing quality content and sharing your expert knowledge, you’re able to show potential clients that you’re an authority in your field. Not only does this help you attract new clients, but it also helps you build rapport with existing clients.

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2. Create an online identity:

One of the best ways to grow your business is by increasing your reputation with helpful, top-quality content. Writing a blog provides you with an opportunity to be heard and seen. With a blog, people are inclined to come to you when they have questions or need help; and there’s a good chance that they’ll find your website in the search engine results because it will always pop out on the page.

3. Trust building with a potential customer:

Word of mouth is the strongest form of advertising. And as word of mouth spreads, potential clients become more and more familiar with your business. As they read your blog posts, they get to know you and learn what it’s like when they work with you. They start to trust you because they know and care about who you are- and before long, this leads to new clients in both current and future markets.

4. Establish yourself as an expert in your niche:

your blog could potentially be read by anyone. Not only does this include your potential clients, but it also includes your competitors and other professionals in the industry. Being an industry expert can help to boost your credibility and authority. When people recognize you as a go-to source for information, they’ll respect what you have to say.

5. Convert traffic into leads:

Increasing your revenue isn’t easy, but your blog is a great tool that you can use to do just that! Your blog generates new leads for your business and it’s important to include a call-to-action button on each post. For example, you can give visitors an easy way to subscribe to your blog by entering their email addresses in the box on the side of the page. You’ll be able to tell who has subscribed and who hasn’t just by looking at your metrics dashboard.

Recommended Read: What Makes a Great About Page for a Coach website. With examples

6. A side income:

Did you know that you can use your blog to generate additional income on top of your coaching? You have a few options, including advertising and sponsored content. But, if you don’t want to turn off your readers with intrusive ads, other ways to monetize your blog are by hosting a membership site, beginning free/paid classes, or creating a paid forum.

Blogging should be an integral part of a coaching business– it’s the natural place where coaches share their knowledge and showcase their expertise. If you want to create a huge online market for your coaching business, start planning your blog now.

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